Monday, November 30, 2009

Back Home Again In Indiana

In last year's schedule, we played one Indiana town: Wabash. It was a one nighter, and I purposely did not advertise the fact that we would be there. On this year's schedule we play in 4 Indiana towns, and the first one was Fort Wayne. I have driven through Fort Wayne a couple of times and we had a lunch stop at the mall in Fort Wayne last year. Nothing that I saw on those trips would have led me to believe that there is a very cool old theatre sitting in the middle of boring Fort Wayne.

It is so boring in fact, that this is the only other interesting picture that I took Downtown, and I only like it because the scaffolding looks cool from a distance.

I have to say that I was not prepared for what I saw when I first walked into the pit at the Embassy. I guess it is just another lesson to not have preconceived ideas of what a theatre or town is going to be like.

Sadly the theatre was pretty dark so most of my pictures are not great.

The decoration of the Embassy is a bit unlike anything that I have ever seen before, and I like it! The lobby was pretty nice too.

The Embassy Theatre in Fort Wayne, Indiana...who knew?!

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