Thursday, July 23, 2009

Disney Deluge Day Two

Given my experience the previous day and given the weather forecast, I did not have much hope for good weather on my second day in Disney. As it turned out, the weather was not so bad. It was overcast and dreary most of the day, but it really did not start raining until late in the day. Wonder of wonders!

I started off at the Hollywood Studios in the morning. I was feeling the need to try my hand again at the Toy Story Mania ride. Plus I was meeting cousin Cathy for lunch at Downtown Disney and Hollywood Studios is the closest park to Downtown therefore giving me the maximum park time.

Hollywood Studios may be the smallest of the four parks, but it has some of my favorite attractions.

Unfortunately I just missed out on the Star Wars Weekend. I suppose that I could have stayed another day, but given the weather I decided not to chance it.

My absolute favorite!

I enjoy Star Tours also, but it could really use a bit of modernizing! In fact I read on a Disney Rumor website that it is scheduled for an update to make it 3D. That would be fun!

Flying Monkeys! (I just cannot get away from it!!!!!)

After a fun lunch at Raglan Road Pub in Downtown Disney, Cathy took me backstage in Disney World to a special shop for Disney Cast Members. The shop sells out of season and overstock items at a rather large discount. They also sell housewares items like coffee makers and silverware to Cast Members. It was a bit like being back in college and I'm sure that is the age group that section of the shop is intended for. After making a few select purchases (including a very obnoxious High School Musical 2 back sack), Cathy dropped me off at the Polynesian Resort so that I could catch the Monorail to the Magic Kingdom.

When visiting the Magic Kingdom, I try to make sure that I include a healthy mix of fun attractions and cheesy attractions. I mean sure Splash Mountain is fun, but so is The Hall of Presidents (well in it's own way).

Any little thing to aggravate Toni.

I was a bit disappointed that Space Mountain was closed...

but not as disappointed as I was that The Hall of Presidents was closed. Oh well I felt that so long as they remove George W Bush, decapitate him, set him on fire, stick him all the way in the back and replace him with Obama I could survive.

It had been a few years. I had forgotten just how creepy the Country Bear Jamboree really is!

I admit having a soft spot for the Tiki birds.

As my day was waning I had planned on staying in the Magic Kingdom to watch the Spectromagic Parade and then running over to Hollywood Studios again to catch the second Fantasmic show. (Of course knowing that I had to drive back to Glenn's place in Wellington that night) Sadly as it got closer to parade time the rain decided to start back up again. Since I had a Fast Pass to the Jungle Cruise, I decided to go ahead and ride despite the rain. Of course I ended up in the awkward middle seat which has no overhead covering so I got rained on for the whole ride, but it had been so many years since I had taken the Jungle Cruise that I was going to ride no matter what. After getting that out of my system, it was Parade time. As it was raining I assumed that the Parade was not going to occur, but I headed to the park entrance to find a spot anyway. At this point I had nixed the Fantasmic idea. (There is always next time right?!) After finding a spot outside the Emporium, the rain let up enough and they started. Thankfully Spectromagic occurred with no electrocutions, so I called it quits and headed to the car. Plus Glenn called and said that there was Chinese food awaiting me when I returned which only helped to reinforce my decision to leave!
So on the whole my trip to Disney was not a complete washout (wah wah), but I the next time I visit...

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