Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cedar Falls, Iowa

What can a person say about a place like Cedar Falls, Iowa?  Well I had more drivers honk their horns at me as I walked on the sidewalk to and from the theatre than anywhere else I've been.  Sadly that is really all a person needs to know about Cedar Falls.  It is the sort of place where people have nothing better to do than to honk at pedestrians.

How can a person resist sticking their finger up a nose that big!

Sebastian certainly couldn't!

Stephanie was more curious about what was inside.

The World's Largest Pheasant

Speaking of kitschy attractions!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


In and Out of Duluth

Duluth is an example of a one nighter town which leaves me wondering if I missed something.  Unfortunately when you arrive in the afternoon, play a show at night, and leave the next morning there really isn't enough time to poke around.  There were parts of Duluth that were photogenic.

Round hotels seem like they are going to be cool, but once you see the pie wedge shaped rooms you realize they are not at all!

Okay so there were some not photogenic parts of Duluth.  Mostly the theatre wedged in a convention center.
